Monday, December 19, 2011


by Nick Lantz

Would it make a difference to say we suffered
from affluenza in those days? Could we blame
Reaganomics, advertainment, the turducken
and televangelism we swallowed by the sporkful,
all that brunch and Jazzercise, Frappuccinos
we guzzled on the Seatac tarmac, sexcellent
celebutantes we ogled with camcorders while
our imagineers simulcast the administrivia
of our alarmaggedon across the glocal village?
Would it help to say that we misunderestimated
the effects of Frankenfood and mutagenic smog
to speculate that amid all our infornography
and anticipointment, some crisitunity slumbered
unnoticed in a roadside motel? Does it count
for nothing that we are now willing to admit
that the animatronic monster slouching across
the soundstage of our tragicomic docusoap
was only a distraction? Because now, for all our
gerrymandering, the anecdata won't line up for us.
When we saw those contrails cleaving the sky
above us, we couldn't make out their beginning
or their end. What, in those long hours of ash,
could our appletinis tell us of good or of evil?

"Portmanterrorism" by Nick Lantz, from The Lightning That Strikes the Neighbors' House. © The University of Wisconsin Press, 2010.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

dogs posing

Really really want a dog
and miss all my friends' dogs and pretending they were mine

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



This 15 minute video is simply beautiful.
"High in the Canadian Arctic, 5 friends venture to the frozen fjords of North West Baffin Island during spring time. Ancient and colossal, these branching hallways of rock are the domain of seals and polar bears, and relied upon by local Inuit hunters. For visiting skiers, the fjords are nothing short of a dream. In every direction, giant couloirs ascend thousands of feet above the sea ice, weaving in between some of the tallest cliffs on the planet. Baffin Island: A Skier's Journey EP2 [Season 2] is a step through these magical spaces."

"Yet the constant feeling of being so small and insignificant is exactly what we craved"

I'd recommend watching this video after watching/reading Touching the Void, or perhaps before is better??

Regardless, now all I want to do is listen to this song while being out in the middle of nowhere
note: this music video is amazingly beautiful as well

Sunday, December 11, 2011

ice, rocks, leaves, and shit

but put together quite nicely

“We set so much by our idea of the stability of stone. And when you find that stone itself is actually fluid and liquid, that really undermines my sense of what is here to stay and what isn’t.”
-Andy Goldsworthy

art stuff:

now I wanna go play in the park...
after I finish watching Rivers and Tides and watch it all disappear...

Friday, December 9, 2011

cruisin around the city

had two nice trips around the city last week
always feels good to be out on the water - even in december